Amber Spradlin Joins OEA Staff



Amber Spradlin, a long-time local activist and leader, has joined the OEA staff as an organizing specialist on the Oklahoma City Metro team.

Amber has a bachelor’s and a master’s in education from the University of Central Oklahoma. She spent 16 ½ years in the classroom, including 15 years teaching at Nicoma Park Intermediate School in east Oklahoma County. She was the sponsor for Builder’s Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes as well as the school’s Food Pantry coordinator.

For the last four years, Amber has served as president of the Choctaw-Nicoma Park Association of Classroom Teachers. In addition, she was lead negotiator for the ACT’s bargaining team and served as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly and the OEA Delegate Assembly.

On the state level, Amber served on the OEA Communications Committee and was one of the association’s educator spokespersons. She gave dozens of interviews with media from as close as Oklahoma City all the way to Japan, represented our state on a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., and shared her experiences during the 2018 walkout with the Tennessee Education Association Organizing Conference. Also, Amber has been very active in local political campaigns and lobbying at the State Capitol.

“I look forward to working at building relations with educators and support staff across the metro and assisting local groups with building membership and creating programs to meet the needs of their members,” she said.

Amber’s husband Brian is a computer education teacher and head girls golf coach at Choctaw High School. They have two sons: Eli is a seventh grader and Andrew is a third grader in Choctaw Public Schools.