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Brenda Snider retires after 42 years of working at OEA

Brenda Snider, “The Membership Guru”, has dedicated decades of her life to helping members at OEA as our Senior Membership Accounting Coordinator. She will retire after being at OEA for almost 43 years. “They have opened doors for me. OEA has been instrumental in allowing me to learn new things

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10 Tips for Aspiring/Early Career Educators

Aspiring Educators and Early Career Educators, as you prepare to receive your placements for student teaching or new job with a class that is all yours for the spring semester, here is a list of 10 things to keep in mind before you venture out on this new chapter in

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2021 Spring Convention

Educating and Advocating in the New Normal April 17, 2021 Register today! OAEA Members attend free of charge; nonmenbers $30. Agenda Registration, 8 a.m., Zoom room opens Opening Session: 8:30-8:50 a.m.    Introductions & Welcome Breakout Session #1: 9-9:50 a.m. Seeking Diversity in Teacher Preparation Programs & the Teaching Force

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2022 Bill Tracking

Legislators filed more than 300 education-related bills for the 2022 Legislative Session. While our Legislative and Political Organizing Center is keeping tabs on all of them, this page lists our priority bills along with whether we support them or not, or take a neutral stance. As bills changes throughout the

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2024 Delegate Assembly

2024 OEA Delegate Assembly New Business Items NEW BUSINESS ITEM #1 Withdrawn by Maker NEW BUSINESS ITEM #2 Withdrawn by Maker  NEW BUSINESS ITEM #3  Withdrawn by Maker  NEW BUSINESS ITEM #4 – Adopted I move the OEA investigate types of electronic voting software for use in OEA elections and

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2023 Delegate Assembly

2023 OEA Delegate Assembly 2023 OEA Delegate Assembly  NEA Business Items NBI # 1 I move that OEA will inform locals of the following simple contract language, through existing digital/print publications and OEA events, that may be put into contracts to include bereavement leave for pregnancy loss.  The language will

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2022 Delegate Assembly

2022 Delegate Assembly May 6-7, Hilton Garden Inn, Edmond New Business Items NBI #1 I move that OEA will work with local affiliates to assure that any immigration process will protect the rights of all students, support a safe environment, and provide an opportunity to learn. OEA will assist local affiliates in promoting and

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2023 NEA Representative Assembly

2023 NEA Representative Assembly Summary Sixty-three Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) delegates went to Orlando, Florida on July 1st, ready to change the world. The changes discussed at the convention were related to educational issues affecting our nation’s students and educators. After four days of meeting for over twelve hours a day, many

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A Crowning Achievement

Local teacher inspires in the classroom and on the pageant stage With the name Sunny Day, it is easy to assume that this is not the average teacher. In her five years in the classroom, Day has been a fifth grade English and social studies teacher, sixth grade English teacher,

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