2021 Spring Convention


Educating and Advocating in the New Normal

April 17, 2021

Register today!

OAEA Members attend free of charge; nonmenbers $30.


Registration, 8 a.m., Zoom room opens

Opening Session: 8:30-8:50 a.m.
    Introductions & Welcome

Breakout Session #1: 9-9:50 a.m.

  • Seeking Diversity in Teacher Preparation Programs & the Teaching Force Pane
  • NEA Member Benefits and SAVI:  Student Loan Forgiveness
  • Understanding the Oklahoma Teacher Leader Evaluation System, with OEA Advocacy Specialist Dr. Rhonda Harlow
  • Teachers’ Retirement: Why Should I Care? with Sabra Tucker, OREA Executive Director

Breakout Session #2: 10-10:50 a.m.

  • Teaching in a High Poverty, Title 1 School, with the Oklahoma State Department of Education School Climate Team
  • Non-partisan Legislative Advocacy: Legislative Panel with Rep. John Waldon and Rep. Sheri Conley
  • Advisor Support and Professional Learning Opportunities (OAEA Advisors Only)
  • Student Engagement In Any Setting, with OEA Teaching and Learning Specialists Laura Miller and Heather Cody

Keynote/Closing Session: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
    Keynote address presented by Dr. Amy Aldridge Sanford, author of From Thought to Action: Developing a Social Justice Orientation and Associate Provost and Professor of Communications Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi