Membership Form – Use this membership registration form for all categories except students; or use this Spanish-language form. Or you can join online here using a credit card to pay yearly, monthly or sign up for payroll deduction (this link takes you to an NEA site where you will choose your membership category and state for completing a simple form.
Aspiring Educators Membership Form – A PDF of the registration form for college and university students that can printed off and mailed. Join online here.
2023 Membership Magazine – A complete recruitment publication, full of information on OEA services and programs. as well as a membership form.
Cash Record Form – Complete and return the Cash Record Form to the OEA for everyone who joins and pays with cash or check.
Local Affiliate Report – This Annual President’s Report tells OEA who the new officers are for your local association as well as a few details about your local structure. Please complete and fill this from out at the end of each school year, or when you elect new officers.
2023 Reference Book – This guide, formerly known as the Red Book, is a resource for local Association presidents, membership chairs and school district payroll clerks. The book guides you through the many details of how to track membership and report the information to the OEA. describes the various material you have to recruit new members, and offers contact names and numbers for help. Check out the 2019-20 Reference Book here. The book includes a copy of the 2022-23 Prorated Dues Schedule.
The Truth Behind POE’s Comparison with OEA – If your members have received a flyer that compares POE with the OEA and you need to know the facts. You can find a downloadable document that dispels the myths in our Members Only Section.
Local & student rebates
Local Association and Zone Incentive Rebates
Many local Associations are eligible for rebates, a program that returns dues dollars to the local. Every local that experiences membership growth is eligible, and other factors such as having a full-time release officer, local dues levels, and others add to the rebate amount. You can either review and download the Incentive Rebate Policy and Application or complete the Incentive Rebate Policy Application online (no printing and mailing necessary!). OEA Board members, here are the Zone Rebate Guidelines and the Zone Rebate form, which you will complete and submit online.
Former Student Member Rebate
New certified OEA members who were student members while in college are eligible for a rebate of both OEA and NEA dues they paid as students. Rebates must be applied for by May 1 of each year and the applications must be sent in during the member’s very first year of education employment. Complete this the form to apply for the rebate.
Political Action Fund-Raising
4 ways to donate to the FCPE:
- Donate through PayPal.
- Donate through Venmo. (Search @OEA-FCPE on your Venmo app.)
- Sign up for payroll deduction.
- Download this form and send it to OEA.
2025 Elections Filing Forms
Filing will open Feb 1-21 for the open positions as well as delegate at-large positions to the OEA Delegate Assembly and the NEA Representative Assembly.
The elections, to be held in March, will be conducted with online voting, which will be accessible from our home page at
Filing forms are available on the 2025 Elections Filing page.