OEA Regions


Regional Teams

The OEA staff is comprised of specialists trained to help you as a professional and as an education employee. Whether you seek training or programs that will make you a better-equipped educator or help with a situation on the job or off, our staff is only a phone call away. We are divided into Regional Teams to better provide services to you. Within each team is one specialist with expertise in the specific service areas of Teaching and Learning, Advocacy, Legislative and Political Organizing, and Communications. We also have centers for Governance, Legal, and Finance and Technology and Facilities and Program Operations.

Contact information

Regional Office

323 E. Madison
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Local: 405.528.7785
Toll-Free: 800.522.8091
Fax: 405.524.0350

Regional Office

323 E. Madison
P.O. Box 18485
Oklahoma City, OK 73154

Local: 405.528.7785
Toll-Free: 800.522.8091
Fax: 405.524.0350

Regional Office

323 E. Madison
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Local: 405.528.7785
Toll-Free: 800.522.8091
Fax: 405.524.0350

Regional Office

10820 E. 45th Street
Suite 110
Tulsa, OK 74146

Local: 918.665.2282
Toll-Free: 800.331.5143
Fax: 918.665.2362

Regional Office

OEA @ The Root Coworking/East Village
110 S. Hartford, Suite 2508
Tulsa, OK 74120

Local: 918.665.2282
Toll-Free: 800.331.5143
Fax: 918.665.2362

Regional Office

P.O. Box 18485
323 E. Madison
Oklahoma City, OK 73154

Local: 405.528.7785
Toll-Free: 800.522.8091
Fax: 405.524.0350