State Board of Education Meeting Response

In regards to yesterday’s State Board of Education meeting, we would like to issue the following statement which concerns HB 1775:

“The events of yesterday’s State Board of Education meeting sparked fear among OEA members.

Oklahoma educators are professionals with integrity and strive every day to follow the law; however, yesterday’s State Board of Education meeting highlighted the fact that the vagueness in HB 1775’s language presents unnecessary challenges to an already stressed system.

This creates significant concerns among teachers and staff, who may now be afraid to teach portions of the State Standards in fear of retaliation.

It is offensive that the majority of State Board members believe an overly punitive punishment would help deter future violations. This assumes that, without this level of punishment, teachers would break the law.

This lack of respect for our educational professionals further exacerbates the major issue at hand: the educator shortage crisis. Oklahoma’s classroom professionals need to feel trusted and respected to teach the standards, follow the direction of their school districts, and do what is best for our kids.”

– Katherine Bishop, Oklahoma Education Association President

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