OEA Board of Directors Supports Lawsuit for Local Control


Resolution vows to take action to protect local control

The Oklahoma Education Association Board of Directors adopted without dissent a “Resolution and Plan of Action” to support the local control district leaders need to promote the health and safety of our schools during current COVID pandemic conditions.
Among other action steps, the OEA is committed to stand with the Oklahoma State Medical Association in their lawsuit to stop SB 658 and allow local school authorities to regain their rights of local control provided by the Oklahoma State Constitution.
In light of our resolution, the OEA was obviously pleased to see today’s temporary injunction blocking the enforcement of SB 658.
The Oklahoma Constitution gives the authority to make health and safety decisions to local school boards. Senate Bill 658 has stripped our local leaders of the power to make these decisions.
The board’s resolution is about one thing: safeguarding the Constitutional rights of our local boards to protect the community that they serve.
OEA President Katherine Bishop had this to say:
“The resolution paints a clear picture of what all of our schools are facing today.
“We have a surging COVID variant. More than 600,000 students do not have the protection of the vaccine. And state law ties the hands of our local school boards to make decisions to protect the safety and well-being of our students, school personnel, and community.
“This has created massive confusion about safety protocols, and it has further caused anxiety for parents who are uneasy and unsure about how to protect their own children.
“Let me be very clear: this resolution is about local control. It’s not about a mask mandate, a vaccine mandate, or any other mandates. It’s about those who are closest to the situation making the best choices for the children they serve.”
The OEA Board of Directors is a democratically elected group of educators, support professionals, administrators, retirees, and students representing the entire state of Oklahoma.
The board approved the resolution Saturday, August 28.