The accreditation process regarding Tulsa Public Schools was unnecessarily chaotic. Amidst the chaos, OEA was proud to stand with Tulsa educators, parents and community members as they spoke loud and clear to maintain local control of the public schools they love.
While the State Board of Education voted to allow Tulsa Public Schools local control as they continue to work on school improvement, the State Superintendent and Board put a barrier in front of future progress with unclear and unrealistic demands.
Rhetoric and demands will not change the lives of children. Student achievement improves through the dedication and hard work of the professionals who work inside our public schools every single day. Those who do not spend time inside our schools may have a superficial understanding of what it actually means to educate and support a community.
Regardless, OEA will continue to support Tulsa educators and all members across the state as they work on the serious issues students face in the classroom and at home.
In Solidarity,

Katherine Bishop, OEA President