Governor Stitt delivered his State of the State on Monday, Feb. 6.
Below is the response from OEA President Katherine Bishop:
In Governor Stitt’s State of the State, he said: “Every child deserves a quality education that fits their unique needs, regardless of economic status, or background.”
Every educator across the state shares the same goal.
Unfortunately, this shared goal is not possible due to the ongoing educator shortage crisis and the significant lack of per-pupil funding compared to other states in the region.
A significant investment into resources and support for our kids in public schools is needed instead of relying on programs like vouchers schemes and merit-pay that have already failed in other states. With $3.8 billion in reserves, more savings than in our state’s history, it is time to invest in the largest workforce in the state, our educational staff, and the future of our students.
In Solidarity,

Katherine Bishop, OEA President