Olivia Kallin’s depiction of the tornado in the Wizard of Oz has been named Best in Show in the OEA’s 2020 Read Across America Poster Contest. Olivia is a seventh grader at Pryor Junior High School.
Read Up A Storm was this year’s contest theme and students were challenged to draw a picture of weather from literature. Student art
include pictures of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, snow storms, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods and pleasant sunny days.
The contest drew 852 entries from around Oklahoma.
Cash prizes will be awarded for Best in Show as well as Awards of Excellence and Awards of Distinction in each category: kindergarten through second grade (a coloring contest), third through fifth grade, sixth through eighth grade, and high school grades 9-12.

Best in Show
“The Twister”
Olivia Kallin
7th grade, Pryor Junior High

Grades 9-12,
Award of Excellence
“Stopping by the Woods on a Snowing Evening”
Kendal Dobrinski
Senior, Pryor High School

Grades 6-8,
Award of Excellence
“Storm Runners”
Kaylynn Fisher
6th grade, Bristow Middle School

Grades 6-8,
Award of Distinction
“Rain or Shine, Read Up A Storm”
Lena Hasan
6th grade, Whittier Middle School, Norman

Grades 6-8, Honorable Mention
Lizzie Cobb
6th grade, Bristow Middle School

Grades 6-8, Honorable Mention
The Wave is Flooding His Heart”
Stephen Kim
8th grade, Kenneth Cooper Middle School, Putnam City

Grades 3-5,
Award of Excellence
“Read in Wonder”
Ashlin Vanderslice
5th grade, Holmes Park Elementary, Sapulpa

Grades 3-5,
Award of Distinction
“Reach into the Storm of a Book”
Abby Admire
5th grade, Holmes Park Elementary, Sapulpa

Grades 3-5,
Honorable Mention
“Read Up a Storm”
Kaytlyn Edwards & Lander Martin
4th grade, Holmes Park Elementary, Sapulpa

Grades 3-5,
Honorable Mention
“Winnie the Pooh, A Blustery Day”
Maylynn Henry
4th grade, Emerson Elementary, McAlester

Grades Kindergarten-2,
Award of Excellence
Wake Richardson
2nd grade, Sequoyah Elementary School, Shawnee

Grades Kindergarten-2nd,
Award of Distinction
Kali Neese
2nd grade, Sequoyah Elementary School, Shawnee

Grades Kindergarten-2nd,
Honorable Mention
Jed Reinschmiedt
1st grade, Garber Elementary School

Grades Kindergarten-2nd,
Honorable Mention
Gentry Brooksher
2nd grade, Horace Mann Elementary, Duncan