Relief funds available for lost free and reduced-price meals

School lunch trayFamilies with children who received free or reduced-price school lunches beginning in March 2020 may receive grocery assistance of $250 per eligible child.

Oklahoma was recently approved to operate the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) program. P-EBT replaces lost free or reduced-price school meal benefits due to school closures last spring. Though families are not required to apply to receive P-EBT, outreach efforts are vitally important to ensure Oklahoma families are aware of this new program.   

Families are not required to apply to receive P-EBT. Benefits will be provided in one of two ways:

  • SNAP and other current EBT households will have benefits automatically loaded onto their existing EBT card; or   
  • Non-SNAP/EBT households will receive a new EBT card automatically mailed to their home address. The envelope may not clearly indicate the contents.    

P-EBT funds can be used to purchase food for the household such as fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, or snacks for the children. Those needing more information should visit for an overview of the program and to read frequently asked questions.

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