Robin Robinson Joins OEA Staff


Robin Robinson has joined the OEA staff as an Aspiring/Early Career Educator Organizer. 

Robinson taught for 15 years as a Theatre Director, Stagecraft and drama teacher, and Speech/Debate coach at the high school level.

Outside of work, Robinson indulges in her love for theatre by frequenting local productions. She also enjoys escaping into nature by camping, kayaking, hiking, and traveling.

Robinson has three grown up children who share her obsession with the Marvel Universe and traveling.

After over a decade in the classroom, Robinson struggled with leaving but ultimately decided her path needed to change. 

“When I made the huge decision to leave the classroom, it was incredibly difficult to figure out where to go from there. I wanted to serve, to share and to contribute. I never thought I’d find the perfect fit, and OEA is it! Being in the company of (mostly) former educators working diligently and constantly to make things better for teachers and students in Oklahoma is exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

We are grateful to have someone so passionate about improving education to work with the next generation of educators. Join us in welcoming Robin to the OEA staff!