Gov. Stitt's State of the State Attempts to Divide, not Unite - Oklahoma Education Association

Gov. Stitt’s State of the State Attempts to Divide, not Unite


On Monday, Governor Kevin Stitt held his last State of the State speech for this term at the Oklahoma Capitol.

Below is OEA President Katherine Bishop’s response.

“Our public schools need resources and respect. We’re disappointed the governor offered neither.

“He chose to use divisive issues that may be popular in Washington D.C., even when it’s been proven these issues do not affect Oklahomans. Pitting parents against educators for political gain never helps children. A great public education happens when teachers and parents work together. This has always been true, and it always will be.

“It’s also disappointing to see the governor spread misinformation about professional organizations. Professional groups like OEA are opt-in; to say otherwise is a lie. Our governor seems willing to talk this way about public school employees but not other groups. 

“We agree with the governor on several points. Record funding last year was a good first step. Our kids deserve better than 47th in the nation, and our state leaders must commit to our kids the way our educators do. 

“We agree we need bold steps. But following the voucher playbook of outside special interests is anything but bold. This tactic has been repeated in states throughout the country and the data is clear – using public dollars to fund private schools does not help students.

“We agree educators deserve better pay. We’re looking forward to seeing his explanation of how he’ll fund it and who would receive it. 

“We agree that we cannot return to the status quo of crowded classrooms, teacher shortages, and underfunding of children’s futures. 

“We agree that too many good teachers are leaving the classroom. But the teacher shortage isn’t only about the few teachers who move into administration. It’s about teachers leaving the profession and college students choosing other jobs. It’s about Oklahoma educators who are exhausted by the constant attacks on their professionalism. 

“Every time you attack public education, it runs off another teacher. Makes another class larger. Demoralizes one more Oklahoman who has given their life to educating our children.

“Public education should not be a divisive issue. The 90% of Oklahoma families choosing public schools deserve resources and respect, not political rhetoric and division.”