Yesenie Cano, a junior at Oklahoma Panhandle State University, has been appointed to the NEA’s Aspiring Educators Advisory Committee.
Cano, a graduate of Hooker (Okla.) High School, is majoring in mathematics with a minor in education. She is the legislative representative for the Oklahoma Aspiring Educators Association.
NEA President Becky Pringle appointed Cano to the AE Advisory Committee. Participants are selected from applicants based on their leadership and previous work in their chapter and state affiliate. Committee members are chosen to reflect NEA’s geographic, racial/ethnic and gender diversity in addition to diversity among the varied roles for which the Aspiring Educators are preparing to work.
This year, the advisory committee will identify and compile promising strategies and/or practices that support recruitment and support of aspiring educators of color at minority serving institutions into the profession and union. They also play a major role in recommending sessions and overall conference design of the annual national Aspiring Educators Conference.