Community schools aren’t very common in Oklahoma, but they can be found all over the country with a proven track record of transforming low-performing schools. They work by folding in families, the community, and services — all the things kids need to succeed. And they don’t cost taxpayers a penny more.
Community Schools: Removing All Barriers
The Six Pillars of Community Schools
Community schools look different depending on the needs of the communities they serve, but the foundation is built upon six universal principals:
Strengthened curriculum and academic programs that are culturally relevant and engaging.
An emphasis on high-quality teaching.
A shared leadership philosophy.
Positive behavior practices such as restorative practices.
Transformational family, student and community engagement.
Coordinated and integrated wrap-around supports, such as health care, eye care and social and emotional services.

2022 Community Schools Legislsation
Two lawmakers have filed bills about community schools during the 2022 Legislative Session.
To read the bills, click on the links below, then click on “Versions,” and then read the version of the bill with the newest date. Bill language may change throughout the legislative session.