2022 OEA Elections


Congratulations to the winners of OEA’s 2022 elections. One candidate filed for each open board seat and the various delegate-at-large positions. Since there are no races, these candidates are elected by acclamation and there will be not voting in March as was scheduled. 

The OEA Board of Directors is designed to represent members at the grassroots level. Each zone is made up of at least 1,000 Association members who elect their representative on the board. Zone Directors elected this spring will take office July 7.

 At-large delegates to the Delegate Assembly and NEA RA will serve at this year’s meetings. The OEA annual meeting is May 6-7 at the Hilton Garden Inn and Edmond Conference Center. The RA is set for July 2-6 in Chicago, IL. Oklahoma Delegates will arrive on July 1 for New Delegate Training, Informational Meeting and Oklahoma Night.

For more information on the elections contact Maureen Peters at 800-522-8091405-528-7785 or mpeters@okea.org.

Board of Director Positions

Jennifer Esau, Claremore CTA

Northeast B, representing Osage, Pawnee, Rogers, Wagoner and Washington counties.

Three-year term expiring in 2025. NEA Delegate in 2023 and 2024.

Mark Webb, Mustang EA

Northwest C, representing Blaine, Canadian and Kingfisher counties.

Three-year term expiring in 2025. NEA Delegate in 2023 and 2024.

Tiffany Johnson, Shawnee ACT

Southeast A, representing Lincoln, Murray, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie and Seminole counties.

Three-year term expiring in 2025. NEA Delegate in 2023 and 2024.

Angela Bauman, Professional Educators’ Association of Lawton

Southwest A, representing Beckham, Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, Tillman, Roger Mills and Washita counties.

Three-year term expiring in 2025. NEA Delegate in 2023 and 2024.

Derrick Miller, Association of Duncan Educators

Southwest C, representing Bryan, Carter, Jefferson, Grady, Garvin, Love, Marshall and Stephens counties.

Three-year term expiring in 2025. NEA Delegate in 2023 and 2024.

Meagan Barth, Professional Educators of Glenpool (PEG)

Tulsa Metro C, representing Creek and Tulsa counties.

Three-year term expiring in 2025. NEA Delegate in 2023 and 2024.

Kamber Clark, The Education Association of Moore (TEAM)

Oklahoma City A, representing Crooked Oak, Harrah, Mid-America Bible College, The Education Association of Moore, ESP Moore, Oklahoma Christian College and Oklahoma City Community College.

Two-year unexpired term expiring in 2024. NEA Delegate in 2023.

Dr. Anthony Rose, Edmond

Administrator-at-Large/OEA Board of Directors.

Two-year term expiring in 2024. This position does not serve as an NEA Delegate.

2022 NEA Representative Assembly Positions

Stephen Smallwood, Rattan ACT

NEA Retired Delegate(s)-at-Large to the NEA/RA  
(successor delegate only) 

Regional Positions

Category I Delegate(s)-at-Large, NEA Representative Assembly

Kandee Almgren, Alva EA

Northwest Region

Tiffany Johnson, Shawnee ACT

Southeast  Region

Toni Parrie, Norman SPA

Southwest Region

There were no NEA Category I Delegate-at-large positions open in Northeast, Oklahoma City Metro and Tulsa Metro regions.

Statewide Positions

OEA 2022 Delegate Assembly Positions

No candidates filed for these positions

  • OEA Administrator Delegate(s)-at-Large to OEA/DA 
  • OEA/NEA Retired Delegate(s)-at-Large to OEA/DA 
  • OEA Ethnic Minority Delegate(s)-at-Large to OEA/DA