Every Student Succeeds Act

The Oklahoma Education Association is a strong advocate for effective education policy, and we work to ensure the best opportunities for our students and our members. The State Department of Education is winding down is implementation plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act, and OEA has been involved in every step of the process.

Not long after President Obama signed ESSA into law, the Oklahoma Education Association formed an ESSA Advisory Panel comprised of educators, support professionals and OEA staff. We have worked toward teacher empowerment. We must have collaboration between the State Department of Education, educators, support professionals, our communities, our parents and our local district leaders.

ESSA emphasizes the need for ALL voices to be heard for the betterment of student success, quality educators and quality schools. Under the new guidelines, the SDE and Oklahoma school districts have the opportunity to minimize the amount of testing to ensure testing is purposeful with data to drive our decision making, not as a mandatory test for the sake of testing.

If you have any questions or would like to be involved, please contact:

Katherine Bishop

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